Holley Kitchen
By Renee S

“Your life is made up of 2 dates and a dash - make the most of your dash,” Holley said once in a speech she gave.
Holley 100% made the most of her dash; even though, her dash was much shorter than anyone wished for.
I met Holley after she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer (mBC) at a local support group in Austin, Texas for women living with metastatic breast cancer.
I was immediately drawn to Holley...her laugh, her openness, her passion for her boys and the love that spilled out of her into everything she did! She and I became really good friends with four other young women who were also living with mBC.
It wasn’t until Holley made her viral video explaining what mBC is, that I truly understood what mBC was, even though I had been living with it for over a year. It was Holley’s passion to educate everyone about the scary and misunderstood facts about mBC.
Holley opened the door for so many others who have faced/will face the mBC beast from her desire to shine a light in the dark scary hole where mBC was hiding for too long. Because of Holley, mBC is now openly talked about, is now on the forefront of people’s minds and most importantly, more research dollars are being spent for mBC.
I know I am not the only one who misses Holley, but I also know I am not the only one who’s life was directly impacted by Holley. For that, I am eternally grateful to have known her for the few short years I did and more grateful her legacy lives on in the lives of so many.