Sheila’s Experience: Comparing BC to MBC

Comparing BC to MBC
Comparing BC to MBC

Hello! My name is Sheila, and I'm 51 years old. I’ve been married to my wonderful husband Mike for 25 years and we have 3 children.

When I was first diagnosed with early stage breast cancer in 2009, I was graciously given an abundance of information, resources, and support. I felt empowered and encouraged. My treatment was aggressive… [and] going through that wasn’t easy on myself or family. I counted down the treatments and I was done. I honestly never looked back.

Fast forward eight years and I’m diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. I counted up treatments, not down and done [like before]. I’m thankful to continue to count! My experience between the initial and the metastatic breast cancer diagnoses was very different.

There is no end in sight for treatments, it’s ongoing. [Following mBC diagnosis], there were no resources, empowerment, or support. I’m watching young ladies diagnosed with mBC and it’s awful. I was given eight years between diagnoses and some [of these young women] are diagnosed de novo [patients initially diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer without any prior diagnosis of breast cancer]. I didn’t know what that was until I got thrown into the metastatic breast cancer world.

Research and getting early stage breast cancer survivors on board is key [sooner than later]. They need to know the chance of it returning metastatic is real.